TODO byte-compile elisp on tangle

  • State "TODO" from "PROPOSED" 2009-12-21 Mon 12:50

from mailing list

1) When the org configuration file aren't changed, a way to automatically load
their tangled version (bytecompiled ?) in order to improve the initialization
time of Emacs.
  • are there times when this wouldn't be desirable?
  • maybe this should be controlled by another header argument

also we need to address some :tangle header argument related bugs in `org-babel-load-file'

2) If I include a source code block without a :tangle argument, then the .el file is truncated in odd
ways.  For instance, if the last source code block doesn't have a tangle argument but all the source code
blocks above it have either :tangle yes or :tangle no, then the .el file only contains the tangled source
code block without the tangle argument.

I've had other permutations of 2)
 where only source code blocks after a :tangle no source code block get tangled.

If all of the source code blocks have :tangle arguments, then all seems to be well.