TODO Interleaved results

  • State "TODO" from "" 2010-08-18 Wed 19:37

See a summary of which follows.

Interleaved input and output can be achieved easily in R :results output (no session) using the method below. So it might be nice to offer :results output echo, where "echo" means include the input commands. This requires:

  • implementation for :session

(in principle sounds not hard, as it involves not doing something (i.e. not removing commands from comint output)).

  • implementation for other external interpreter processes

For bash, it's somewhat similar to 'bash -x'. I looked at man python and didn't see anything; perhaps it is accomplished by modifying the output stream when python is running rather than as a command line option to the interpreter. ruby? etc.

R :results output external interpreter process implementation:

(setq org-babel-R-command "R –silent –no-save")
