TODO How do we check that block output is identical to previous output?

  • State "TODO" from "" 2010-02-14 Sun 18:24

A common situation for me is that I return to an org-babel file containing several blocks with output, and the first thing I want to do as a sanity check is execute all the blocks, verifying that the new output is the same as the old output.

Maybe this would be possible if you rename the results, and then write a lob function which compares two results for equality? If you put that idea into a table then you'd basically have our test suite. I guess we could also develop support for doing this sort of thing automatically, although it's not clear to me how you would indicate that you want to do a "checking" run by default. I do like the idea however, as it seems like it will have direct reproducible research applications. Maybe we just make this a header argument, and then provide some functions which call individual or multiple blocks with that header argument pre-set to true – or maybe header arguments aren't the appropriate tool for this situation?