STARTED width and height set dimensions in latex output?

  • State "STARTED" from "PROPOSED" 2010-02-14 Sun 10:36

See email thread started by Graham Smith 12 Dec.

Should we be setting ATTRLaTeX in this situation?

So it looks like we somehow need to pass the width through to R as a variable. Are the current variable passing methods insufficient for this task? Or would it just be more convenient if the R execution code automatically checked for a value of ATTRLaTeX and setup the R environment to correspond. I don't really know R that well, so I'm not sure how this would work, but it does seem like it'd be handy if/once it was implemented. [Eric]

#+options toc:nil
#+title: R latex graphics

Text before figure.
#+srcname:Boxplots Summary
#+begin_src R :session BirdData :file BoxplotSummary.pdf :exports both
  Wingcrd <- rnorm(100, 20) ; Tarsus <- rnorm(100, 5) ;
  Head <- rnorm(100, 3) ; Wt <- rnorm(100, 40)

#+results: Boxplots

Text after figure.