STARTED width and height set dimensions in latex output?
- State "STARTED" from "PROPOSED"
See email thread started by Graham Smith 12 Dec.
Should we be setting ATTRLaTeX in this situation?
So it looks like we somehow need to pass the width through to R as a variable. Are the current variable passing methods insufficient for this task? Or would it just be more convenient if the R execution code automatically checked for a value of ATTRLaTeX and setup the R environment to correspond. I don't really know R that well, so I'm not sure how this would work, but it does seem like it'd be handy if/once it was implemented. [Eric]
#+options toc:nil #+title: R latex graphics Text before figure. #+srcname:Boxplots Summary #+begin_src R :session BirdData :file BoxplotSummary.pdf :exports both Wingcrd <- rnorm(100, 20) ; Tarsus <- rnorm(100, 5) ; Head <- rnorm(100, 3) ; Wt <- rnorm(100, 40) boxplot(Wingcrd,Tarsus,Head,Wt,names=c("Wingcrd","Tarsus","Head","Wt")) #+end_src #+results: Boxplots [[file:BoxplotSummary.pdf]] Text after figure.