PROPOSED Add SQL functionality?

  • State "PROPOSED" from "" 2010-03-21 Sun 15:59

I happened to notice this on #emacs

<spcshpopr8r> hallo emacsers
<spcshpopr8r> I have successfully, finally, got on board with org-babel and
             ess...earlier today, my head exploded  [15:39]
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<spcshpopr8r> now I want to execute an arbitary bunch of sql against an oracle
             database and then feed the results to an R block
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<jave> btw org vs planner?
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<spcshpopr8r> I've looked a little bit at org-babel-sql.el and it seems pretty
    it just wants to talk to a mysql database at the
             moment  [15:41]
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<spcshpopr8r> anybody here got a simple solution to get org-babel
             (org-babel-sql that is) to talk to my li'l ol oracle databases?

Ideally there's a single sql-mode for emacs that we can interact with… it looks like sql-mode is the way to go. I'd say we add that as a requirement to org-babel-sql, and then start building up the integration with…

  1. start using sql-mode builtins for connection – which should extend us to other database engines
  2. add more header arguments (passwrd, database, username, etc…)
  3. support persistent sessions
  4. support returning query results as lists/tables
  5. support dropping lists/tables into insert statements