DONE sha1 hash based caching

  • State "DONE" from "STARTED" 2009-12-22 Tue 14:42

This has been implemented. Results can now be cached using the :cache header argument. See the following example.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :cache yes
  (+ 1 2)

: 3


So we now have two caching solutions, one which is entirely in-buffer using sha1 hashes stuffed into the resname lines, and another which saves the results either in RAM or optionally on disk. It is not immediately clear which combination of the two approaches would be best.

I find the saving of cached results in external files to be very upsetting. It pollutes the user's disk, and it breaks what is to me a very fundamental part of org-mode, namely the fact that all data is saved in plain text in org-mode files.

Currently I'm leaning towards some combination of file-local variable (RAM) caching and in-buffer caching. I have more comments in-line below.

I agree about caching to external files. And now that the hash is hidden in the resname, I think we definitely want the in-buffer mechanism. Apart from anything else it improves the mechanism by which we decide whether or not to over-write existing results.

The only slight drawback I can see is export: someone who doesn't want the results in their org file is forced to regenerate them on every export.

alright, that sounds good to me. I can't think of a good solution to the export problem right now. The approach taken in org-exp-blocks – suggested by Carsten – is to add the hash to the file name where the results were stored, so I guess that could be an option, but it would be fairly intrusive, and it would share the problem of saving state outside of the actual org-mode buffer. So if you don't object, I'll merge in the in-buffer caching, and we can keep the export caching as an open issue, then possibly add the RAM/local-variable caching on top (which seems like it only require a couple of lines of code).

How well do org buffers function with large folded tables?

I have no idea. Emacs seems to be pretty capable of handling huge files, but once we get to millions of lines there would probably be some noticeable delays, and I doubt hiding the results behind an overlay would help.

Maybe this would be a good place for some LOB functions. One for serializing data and one for reading in serialized data. I'm familiar with YAML which at least has ruby, python (and I believe elisp) bindings, so that's my first thought, but there are probably more efficient solutions.

Given one function for writing to a file, taking a piece of data and a file-name and another function for reading from a file given a file name that should be sufficient for most large storage needs. And there's also of course SQL support in org-babel.

cache in buffer

  • Plus
    • Fits cleanly into existing org-babel paradigm.
      • simple to implement – minimal code changes
      • doesn't rely on anything external to the org-mode file
    • Persistent across emacs sessions
  • Minus
    • I don't think it will work for export will it?
      • This does work for exporting results. If a result line is already in the buffer then it will be used instead of re-evaluation of the result on export. note I did however notice two bugs when checking this out which I just pushed up a fix to in the ems-babel branch.
      • So still a slight drawback, as the results must be in the org buffer.
    • The result is editable; no promise that repeat evaluation will give the original result. true, but that is also true of results stored in local variables (RAM) or on disk – although admittedly it would be harder in those cases. It would be cool if we could automatically remove the hash when a result is edited by hand…
    • [Therefore difficult to confirm that cache is working] nope, I've tested it and it works :)
    • Not good for large tables, yes storing large tables in org-mode buffers can be a pain, perhaps some sort of result folding would be generally useful – beyond cached results
    • sha1 hashes are ugly and not-for-humans: hide them? yes, they are hidden in the most recent version in branch ems-babel. If you need to know the hash value for some reason pressing C-c C-c on the small visible portion of the hash will copy it to your kill ring

cache in RAM

  • Plus
    • Result is not editable – without editing local variables
    • Good for very large tables – as long as we don't mind persisting large tables in memory
    • Fastest of the three
  • Minus
    • Not part of babel paradigm (but should be very unobtrusive)
    • Not persistent across emacs sessions
      • Not sharable (impossible to send a file to someone else and include cached results)
    • user can't read cached data

cache on disk

  • Plus
    • Good for large tables
    • Result is not easily editable
    • Persistent across emacs sessions
  • Minus
    • Not currently part of babel paradigm
      • (but we will probably want to implement external table access) meaning tables in foreign org-mode files? because I think that is already implemented. If some other sort of foreign table then I'm not sure what you mean.
      • Not sharable (impossible to send a file to someone else and include cached results)
    • pollutes user's directories with new files
    • saves state outside of the org-mode buffer
    • no longer "everything in plain text"
    • currently saving data in /tmp directories where it won't survive reboot
    • using (format "%S" object) to serialize data will not work for large lists/tables
    • elisp may not be the ideal serialization language
    • the cached data is not visible or readable by the user

How do we distinguish a nil result from a lack of a cached result?

I wonder if we should consider some cashing of images, also for export. I think we could have an alist with sha1 hashes as keys and image files as values. The sha1 hash could be made from the entire code and the command that is used to create the image..

– Carsten

(sha1 stuff) seems to work.

org-feed.el has a (require 'sha1) and org-publish.el uses it too.

– Bernt