DONE org-babel-tangle mis-handles empty code blocks

  • State "DONE" from "STARTED" 2010-05-26 Wed 07:06
  • State "STARTED" from "TODO" 2010-05-25 Tue 20:25

This source:

*** Cook Observations on Hawaiian Homes
#+srcname: homestead-cook
#+begin_src latex :tangle yes


now yields the following LaTeX


which works

however this source (notice latex vs. LaTeX)

*** Cook Observations on Hawaiian Homes
#+srcname: homestead-cook
#+begin_src LaTeX :tangle yes


is noticed by org-babel, and is eliminated by the org-babel pre-processing because we are exporting to LaTeX and the body is empty.

This may be a good argument for adding language aliases to org-babel, so that both of the above blocks are recognized and treated equally.