DONE on export babel overwrites unrecognized source blocks

  • State "DONE" from "TODO" 2010-01-18 Mon 13:37
  • State "TODO" from "" 2010-01-13 Wed 09:14

Thanks to Sébastien for this bug report.

You see that when the language is unknown to Org-babel (Delphi in this example), it gets ignored during export, and gets replaced by the previous code block!!

So, the current workaround is to take whatever other language know to Babel (here: perl) for the export to (at least) output the right code in the generated document (even if not correctly highlighted).

demonstrated in the attached

Probably has something to do with the conflicting regular expressions between org-babel-exp.el and org-exp-blocks.el…

This has been fixed in the following commit

commit d154f2794741275a41d4631892335d581d7da27a
Author: Eric Schulte
Date:   Mon Jan 18 13:03:36 2010 -0700

    babel: no longer overwriting non-babel src blocks
    org-exp-blocks: adding progress-marker local variable

      the progress-marker local variable set inside of a let in
      org-exp-blocks is used to constrain searches in org-babel-exp to
      ensure that a babel block doesn't overwrite non-babel src blocks

which introduces a local variable to org-ex-blocks which is used by org-babel-exp to ensure that previous blocks do not overwrite the current block.