DONE indent noweb references to the level of the initial ref
- State "DONE" from "DONE"
augment `org-babel-expand-noweb-references' so that it rigidly indents the body of the block to the depth of the original noweb reference.
In fact, a better specification is: copy whatever (any character) is in front of `<<<code here>>>' in front of every line of the referenced block (same amount of characters, be it spaces or something else). That way, a commented SQL source block like the following would be correctly outputted: -- -- set flag -- UPDATE dossier -- SET DossierSentToSector = @now -- WHERE ID -- IN (SELECT actID_fk -- FROM actions -- WHERE (actID = 338 AND actEtat = 3)) -- AND F1SignDate < @firstDayOfThisMonth -- AND DossierSentToSector IS NULL -- AND -- <<ConditionForSector>> Currently, the first line of the "condition" block is commented, the others not, resulting in incorrect code being tangled. With the above "spec", I guess all cases are covered. What do you think?