DEFERRED Language mappings in org-src-lang-modes should be honoured by babel

  • State "DEFERRED" from "DONE" 2010-06-07 Mon 11:53
  • State "TODO" from "" 2010-04-09 Fri 09:39

this has been deferred because it should be addressed in another task

Email from me to Andrea Crotti:

> And it doesn't export any source even if it looks something like this
> * Org mode
> ** Clock configuration
> #+beginsrc elisp :tangle yes
> ;; Clock configuration
> (setq org-clock-persist t)
> (org-clock-persistence-insinuate)
> #+endsrc\\
Although Org maps "elisp" to emacs-lisp-mode in org-src-lang-modes
(therefore C-c ' works), Org-babel currently does not recognise "elisp"
by default. Thanks for raising this, I think we need to make ourselves
more compatible with org-src-lang-modes.

So the short answer is: change "elisp" to "emacs-lisp".

The longer answer is, you could do

(org-babel-add-interpreter "elisp")
(add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-langs '("elisp" "el"))

But you (we) 'll still be faced with the problem that org-babel-load-file
expects the blocks to be "emacs-lisp" blocks. org-babel-tangle-file, on
the other hand, will work.