llvm-mutate – mutate LLVM IR

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

LLVM Mutate is an LLVM compilers pass [1]. Like all LLVM compiler passes, it manipulates LLVM intermediate representation (IR), but unlike most compiler passes it explicitly does not preserve semantics. Instead it provides a number of simple mutation operations which may be specified through command line flags. These operations are more similar to genetic programming [2] or mutation testing [3] operations than they are to traditional compiler transformations.

Mutation Operations

ids prints the total number of instructions
list lists each instruction with its type and its assigned id
name names each instruction (using LLVM's Value.setName)
trace instrument to trace all executed instructions
cut removes the numbered instruction from the program
insert copies the second numbered instruction before the first
replace replace the first numbered instruction with the second
swap swaps the two numbered instructions

The llvm-mutate shell script wraps this compiler pass in a simple interface which facilitates program manipulation. See the examples and the help output [4]

To support application of these simple operations some surgery must be performed on the data dependency graph to both (1) replace the use of removed instructions, and to (2) fully incorporate added instructions.

1. Removed instruction. 2. Added instruction.
arith-c-4.svg arith-i-9-4.svg
cat arith.ll | llvm-mutate -c 4 cat arith.ll | llvm-mutate -i 9,4

2 Installation

This is now built using the LLVM cmake machinery. LLVM must be installed on your system using cmake for the following build instructions to work. The master branch of this repository should compile against the head of the LLVM svn repository, branch llvm-3.2 should compile against LLVM version 3.2.

  1. Make a build directory in which to compile the required Mutate.so library.
    mkdir build
    cd build
  2. Generate the necessary Makefiles with cmake. If necessary replace /usr/local/share/llvm/cmake with the appropriate path on your system.
    cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/usr/local/share/llvm/cmake ../
  3. Build the library and install the library and the llvm-mutate shell script driver.
    sudo make install

3 Examples


First compile a source file to LLVM assembly.

 $ echo 'main(){ puts("hello"); puts("goodbye");}' \
     |clang -x c - -S -emit-llvm -o greet.ll

See the behavior of the original.

 $ cat greet.ll|llvm-mutate -l

 $ ./a.out

Count the instruction ids in the original program.

 $ cat greet.ll|llvm-mutate -I -o /dev/null

Compile a version which saves an instruction execution trace. First this requires linking an object file defining a function with the following name and type signature.

 void llvm_mutate_trace(int count);

An example is provided in llvm_mutate_trace.c. This function will be called once for each executed instruction and will be passed the ID of the executed instruction as its argument.

 $ gcc -c llvm_mutate_trace.c
 $ cat greet.ll|llvm-mutate -t -l -T llvm_mutate_trace.o
 $ ./a.out 
 $ cat llvm_mutate_trace

Cut the first instruction from this program, compile and run.

 $ cat greet.ll|llvm-mutate -c 1 -l
 cut 1

 $ ./a.out

Insert the second instruction before the first.

 $ cat greet.ll|llvm-mutate -i 1,2 -l
 inserted 2 before 1

 $ ./a.out

Swap the first two instructions.

 $ cat greet.ll|llvm-mutate -s 1,2 -l
 swapped 1 with 2

 $ ./a.out

We can also look at a slightly more complicated file which actually has some data dependencies between instructions. Dependencies which the mutation tool will need to address.

 $ echo 'main(){ int x=2; x+=3; x=x*x; printf("%d\n", x);}' \
   |clang -x c - -S -emit-llvm -o arith.ll

 $ cat arith.ll|llvm-mutate -l

 $ ./a.out

Here mutations will change the data dependencies between the instructions, and effect the value of x which is printed at the end.

 $ cat arith.ll|llvm-mutate -c 4 -l
 found local replacement: 0x2ac0aa8
 cut 4

 $ ./a.out

 $ cat arith.ll|llvm-mutate -c 3 -l
 cut 3

 $ ./a.out

 $ cat arith.ll|llvm-mutate -c 6 -l
 found local replacement: 0x39aaaa8
 cut 6

 $ ./a.out

The compiler pass attempts to plug new instructions into the call graph near where they are inserted, satisfying their arguments with in-scope variables and plugging their output into the arguments of subsequent variables.

 $ cat arith.ll|llvm-mutate -i 6,9 -l
 replacing argument: 0x2f6ce50
 found local replacement: 0x2f6cae8
 inserted 9 before 6

 $ ./a.out

When this isn't possible, a warning is printed and the insertion likely has no effect.

 $ cat arith.ll|llvm-mutate -i 4,10 -l
 could find no use for result
 inserted 10 before 4

 $ ./a.out

Unless of course the inserted instruction acts through side effects. For example this copies the printf instruction into the middle of the function.

 $ cat arith.ll|llvm-mutate -i 4,11 -l
 replacing argument: 0x1e34f88
 found local replacement: 0x1e34ae8
 inserted 11 before 4

 $ ./a.out

See the output of llvm-mutate --help for more actions which may be performed on compiled llvm IR. If multiple options are given to llvm-mutate they will be applied in series to the code. So for example the following command line will,

 $ cat arith.ll|llvm-mutate -I -g -G -c 3 -I -i 4,10 -I -G -l
 cut 3
 replacing argument: 0x1d7df08
 found local replacement: 0x1d7db80
 inserted 10 before 4

 $ ./a.out 
  1. print a count of instruction ids,
  2. generate the program control flow graph (shown on screen if dot and feh are installed),
  3. generate the program call graph
  4. cut an instruction,
  5. print another id count,
  6. inserts an instruction,
  7. prints a third instruction id count,
  8. display the new call graph
  9. and finally link the resulting LLVM IR into an executable.

4 License

Licensed under the GPLV3, see the COPYING file in this directory for more information.



Help information for the llvm-mutate script.

llvm-mutate --help
llvm-mutate -[n|l|g|G] -[c|i|s instructions] -l -[o path]
 mutate llvm IR

 -h,--help ------- print this help output
 -I,--ids -------- print the number of instructions
 -L,--list ------- list instructions with number and types
 -n,--name ------- name each instruction w/number
 -g,--cfg -------- graph the CFG
 -G,--call-graph - graph the call graph
 -t,--trace ------ instrument to trace instructions
 -T,--trace-obj -- object file providing tracing function
                   default is llvm_mutate_trace.o
 -c,--cut -------- cut the given instruction
 -r,--replace ---- replace the first inst. with the second
 -i,--insert ----- copy the second inst. before the first
 -s,--swap ------- swap the given instructions
 -l,--link ------- link the result into an executable
 -o,--out -------- write output to specified file

Author: Eric Schulte

Created: 2013-05-19 Sun 11:12

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.0.2)
