Next: Search Functions, Previous: Software Methods, Up: Implementation [Contents][Index]
The following global variables are exposed for configuration and interaction with heuristic search processes.
A list of the software objects currently known to the system. This variable may be read to inspect a running search process, or written to as part of a running search process.
Maximum allowable population size.
Number of individuals to participate in tournament selection. Default
value is “2
Number of individuals to participate in eviction tournaments. Default
value is “2
Function to compare two fitness values to select which is preferred.
Default value is “#'>
Fraction of new individuals generated using crossover rather than
mutation. Default value is “2/3
Chance to mutate a new individual. If value is less than 1 then new
individuals will be mutated once with change *MUT-RATE*
. If
value is equal to 1, then every new individual will be mutated exactly
once. If value is greater than 1, then new individuals will be
mutated from 1 to *MUT-RATE* times. Default value is “1
This variable tracks the total number of fitness evaluations performed.
True when a search process is running, set this variable to nil to stop a running search.