** issues with call lines result insertion
   :session:  *R-babel*
   :DATE:     2012-01-24
#+NAME: foo-for-R
#+HEADER: :var a="a1.png"
#+BEGIN_SRC R :results output silent
  cat("in foo-for-R block\n")
  cat.a <- function() { cat(a,"\n",sep="") }

#+NAME: bar-for-R
#+begin_src R :results output raw replace :exports none

Because there are three instances of the =bar-for-R()= call line, all
of their results are inserted into the same place in the file,
specifically the location of the =#+Results: bar-for-R()= line.  This
can be very confusing if you are expected each =bar-for-R()= line to
generate it's own results.

Should have all a1 stuff
#+call: foo-for-R(a="a1.png")
#+call: bar-for-R()

Should have all a2 stuff
#+call: foo-for-R(a="a2.png")
#+call: bar-for-R()

Should have all a3 stuff
#+call: foo-for-R(a="a3.png")
#+call: bar-for-R()

The solution demonstrated below is to add a nothing header argument to
each bar-for-R to make it unique.  Notice that the three =foo= lines
below don't include results, as their results are inserted at the
identical foo lines above.

Should have all a1 stuff
#+call: foo-for-R(a="a1.png")
#+call: bar-for-R[id=1]()

Should have all a2 stuff
#+call: foo-for-R(a="a2.png")
#+call: bar-for-R[id=2]()

Should have all a3 stuff
#+call: foo-for-R(a="a3.png")
#+call: bar-for-R[id=3]()