** complex numbers in tables and python, reference in table formula
   :DATE:     2011-04-13

#+name: parameter-variation(data=0)
#+begin_src python :result values
  return 'text'

| "(0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197)" |
| "(0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356)" |
| "(0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457)" |
| "(0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524)" |
| "(0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408)" |
| "(0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615)" |
| "(0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084)" |
| text                                  |
#+TBLFM: @8$1='(sbe parameter-variation (nums @1$1..@7$1))

| '(1 2 3 4) |
|          4 |
#+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe quote (it @1$1))

| (1 2 3 4) |
| #ERROR    |
#+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe quote (it @1$1))

*** using vectors to represent complex number is lisp
    :DATE:     2011-04-15
| [1 2]            |
| real:1 complex:2 |
#+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe real (it @1$1))

#+name: real(it='())
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (format "real:%d complex:%d" (aref it 0) (aref it 1))

*** reference the table in a table formula
    :DATE:     2011-04-13
#+name: complex-data
| (0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197) |
|                                   4 |
#+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe quote (it "complex-data"))

*** externally referencing the table
    :DATE:     2011-04-13
#+name: complex-data
| (0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197) |
| (0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356) |
| (0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457) |
| (0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524) |
| (0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408) |
| (0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615) |
| (0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084) |
#+TBLFM: @8$1='(sbe parameter-variation (nums @1$1..@7$1))

#+begin_src python :var data=complex-data
  return data

| (0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197) |
| (0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356) |
| (0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457) |
| (0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524) |
| (0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408) |
| (0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615) |
| (0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084) |