** add column to table with awk
   :question_author: Sébastien Vauban
   :DATE:     2010-11-23
I want to *add a column* to the following table.

#+name: table-message
| This is line 1 of the message.        |
| This is line 2 of the message.        |
| This is the last line of the message. |

Its value should be dependant on a *regexp matching* the *current row*
(for example, if 1 is detected in the original column, then write "A"
in the new one, "B" if 2 is read, "C" if 3 is read, etc.).

Hence, I'm thinking using AWK as an easy solution.

    #+begin_src note
    I'm open to other ideas on how I could do this as easily. Just throw me
    ideas, if you have some.

the easiest (for me) would be with the elisp =mapcar= function
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl=table-message
  (mapcar (lambda (row) (cons "New col" row)) tbl)

| New col | This is line 1 of the message.        |
| New col | This is line 2 of the message.        |
| New col | This is the last line of the message. |

*First* trial: add a column whose cell contents will be *fixed* (here,
equal to =New col=).

#+name: add-col
#+begin_src sh :var data=table-message :results output raw :exports both
echo "$data" | awk '// {print "| New col | " $0 " |";}'

#+name: add-col
| New col | This is line 1 of the message.        |
| New col | This is line 2 of the message.        |
| New col | This is the last line of the message. |