GRAPH/DOT - dot serialization of graphs



The GRAPH/DOT library provides functions for serializing graph objects as defined by the GRAPH library to/from DOT.

The code is available under the GNU General Public License.



  1. Source
  2. Introduction
  3. The GRAPH/DOT dictionary
    1. from-dot
    2. make-subgraph
    3. to-dot
    4. to-dot-file
  4. Acknowledgements



GRAPH/DOT together with this documentation can be found at


Functions for reading/writing graphs from/to the graphviz DOT format.

Many graphviz properties and exposed as keyword arguments to the to-dot function.

(defvar *graph* (populate (make-instance 'digraph)
                         :nodes '(a b c d e f)
                         :edges-w-values '(((a b) . 3)
                                           ((b c) . 2)
                                           ((c d) . 1)
                                           ((d b) . 2)
                                           ((b e) . 3))))

(let ((ccs (mapcar #‘cons (connected-components graph) ’(1 2 3 4)))) (to-dot-file graph “” :node-attrs (list (cons :fillcolor (lambda (n) (cdr (assoc-if {member n} ccs)))) (cons :style (constantly “filled”)) (cons :colorscheme (constantly “set34”)))))

Or less colorfully.

(setf *graph* (populate (make-instance 'digraph)
                :edges '((A T2) (T1 B) (T2 B) (T2 C) (T1 D))))

(let ((s1 (make-subgraph :attributes '(("color" . "lightgrey")
                                       ("label" . "One" ))
                         :node-list (first
                                      :type :unilateral))))
      (s2 (make-subgraph :attributes '(("color" . "lightgrey")
                                       ("label" . "Two" ))
                         :node-list (second
                                      :type :unilateral)))))
  (to-dot-file *graph* ""
               :subgraphs (list s1 s2)))


The GRAPH/DOT dictionary

from-dot dot-string => result

Parse the DOT format string DOT-STRING into a graph. More robust behavior may be achieved through parsing the output of the dot executable.

make-subgraph &key (node-attributes node-attributes) (edge-attributes edge-attributes) (attributes attributes) (ranks ranks) (node-list node-list) => result

[Generic function]
to-dot graph &key stream attributes node-attrs edge-attrs subgraphs ranks => result

Print the dot code representing GRAPH. The keyword argument ATTRIBUTES takes an assoc list with DOT graph attribute (name . value) pairs. NODE-ATTRS and EDGE-ATTRS also take assoc lists of DOT graph attributes and functions taking nodes or edges respectively and returning values. The DOT graph, node, and edge attributes are described at SUBGRAPHS is a list of SUBGRAPH structures. RANKS is a list of RANK structures.

[Generic function]
to-dot-file graph path &key attributes node-attrs edge-attrs subgraphs ranks => result

Write a dot representation of GRAPH to PATH.



This documentation was prepared with a hacked up version of DOCUMENTATION-TEMPLATE.