available from github.com/eschulte/data-wrapper

Data Wrapper

wrap text data in a portable script to share both data and analysis


Download the script (data-wrapper) and place it in your PATH.


  1. Run data-wrapper on your file of tab-separated data passing in a name for each column.

    data-wrapper DATAFILE [COLUMN NAMES]
  2. This will result in the creation of an executable file named DATAFILE-viewer. This file holds all of your data wrapped in a script which provides numerous views into the data. For more information on usage and available outputs and analysis call DATAFILE-viewer -h.


This example will use Major League Baseball player height and weight data from wiki.stat.ucla.edu available at mlb.txt as a text file. The wrapped executable script version of this data is available at mlb-viewer.

First data-wrapper is used to convert the raw text file into an executable.

$ ./data-wrapper mlb.txt name team position height weight age

Wrote script to mlb-viewer.

Because gzip compression is used, the executable is slightly smaller than the original text file.

$ ls -1s mlb.txt mlb-viewer

48 mlb.txt
40 mlb-viewer

With the -h option we can view the functionality provided by the new mlb-viewer executable. For this example only long-form options and column names will be used.

$ ./mlb-viewer -h

Usage: mlb-viewer [options...] [action]

 -h --help ------------- print this help message
 -i --include COL=STR -- only include items in which COL=STR
 -e --exclude COL=STR -- exclude items in which COL=STR
 -b --by [COL,...] ----- group results by COLs (comma separated)
 -r --result [COL,...] - print results for COLs
                         (comma separated, defaults to age)
 -g --graph ------------ graph results (requires gnuplot)
 -G --Graph STRING ----- graph results, pass STRING to gnuplot
 -o --output FILE ------ save output to FILE
 -R --raw -------------- don't pretty print output
 -l --col -------------- print the column names and exit

Actions (specify at most one to reduce results):
 -n --min -------------- min of results
 -x --max -------------- min of results
 -m --mean ------------- mean of results
 -H --harmonic-mean ---- harmonic mean of results
 -E --geometric-mean --- geometric mean of results
 -S --stdev ------------ standard deviation of results
 -s --sum -------------- mean of results
 -c --count ------------ count results
 -C --cor -------------- Pearson correlation between results
 -t --t-test ----------- t test between all groups of results
                         (use at most one category)
 -k --ks-test ---------- Kolomogorov-Smirnov between results
 -n --normal-test ------ Shapiro-Wilk test for normality
                         (null hypothesis is normal data)

Columns (COL):
 Columns: name, team, position, height, weight, age
 Unique sub-strings may be used instead of full names.


  to print a table of the mean value by name and team, use:

    mlb-viewer -b name,team -m

  to calculate the total value by name, and graph the results
  to an svg file, use:

    mlb-viewer -b name -m -g -o /tmp/by-lang.svg

Created using `data-wrapper'.
(see https://github.com/eschulte/data-wrapper)

First lets look at the mean age by position. If no result column is specified, the last column is assumed which in this case is the age of the payer.

$ ./mlb-viewer --by position --mean

Catcher            29.5637
Designated_Hitter  30.3894
First_Baseman      29.4747
Outfielder         28.9535
Relief_Pitcher     28.5398
Second_Baseman     29.0269
Shortstop          28.4029
Starting_Pitcher   28.2382
Third_Baseman      28.6911

However other result columns may be specified.

$ ./mlb-viewer --by position --result weight --mean

Catcher            204.329
Designated_Hitter  220.889
First_Baseman      213.109
Outfielder         199.113
Relief_Pitcher     203.517
Second_Baseman     184.345
Shortstop          182.923
Starting_Pitcher   204.361
Third_Baseman      200.956

It is also possible to view results sorted by up to two column at once; in this case by both team and position.

$ ./mlb-viewer --by team,position --result weight --mean

+    Catcher  Designated_Hitter  First_Baseman  Outfielder  Relief_Pitcher  Second_Baseman  Shortstop  Starting_Pitcher  Third_Baseman
ANA  201.667  NA                 204.2          200.625     201.5           NA              180        207.143           192.5
ARZ  208.5    NA                 219            200.6       208.857         185             180        220.286           200
ATL  215      NA                 220            201.571     206.571         176.667         190        189               192.5
BAL  201.667  197                199            179.714     195             176             209        207.571           215.5
BOS  210      230                220            202.857     203.364         180             175        210.778           210
CHC  209.667  NA                 212.5          203.75      210             175             180        203.636           195
CIN  202.333  NA                 205            202.5       210.909         185             198.5      174.462           193.333
CLE  200      240                225            193.5       208.462         178.333         185        206               185
COL  198      224                204            193.571     200.75          177.5           190        201.5             210
CWS  242.5    219.5              215            201.25      219.125         185             187        210.143           207.5
DET  204      200                222.5          203.333     210.75          187.667         183.667    204.429           195
FLA  217.5    NA                 180            194.143     204.167         200             182.5      215.4             205
HOU  186.667  NA                 205            212         202.3           186.2           170        195.714           210
KC   205      225                212.5          196.667     193.333         180             165        199.667           210
LA   196      NA                 203.667        200.333     204.4           200             165        223.167           187.5
MIN  210      217.5              228            197.6       202             178             180        210.286           185.333
MLW  203.75   NA                 260            203.5       207             192.5           186.333    209.714           207
NYM  210      NA                 209            195.143     196.154         181.5           175        203               200
NYY  197.5    230                210.333        197.2       217.5           189             195        209.429           210
OAK  203.333  226                207            211.2       191.364         180             181.667    208.75            188
PHI  197.5    205                230.5          193.833     188.818         187.5           167        199.875           190
PIT  212.5    NA                 208.333        191.429     210.4           200             192        207.5             192
SD   215.5    200                220            206.571     203.615         182.5           205        201               NA
SEA  195      NA                 228.5          193.143     202.2           181.5           170        201.375           220
SF   221.5    NA                 212.5          200.714     204             185.5           175        205.429           197
STL  216.5    NA                 207.5          196.667     199.636         182.5           165        206.333           230
TB   193.333  205                200            206.2       200.7           192             200        192.111           180
TEX  204.25   250                220            200.833     203.818         175             175        204               200
TOR  183.5    235                227            199.667     202.167         191.333         180        208.286           225
WAS  188      NA                 227            200.286     202.714         160             189.333    197.167           210

Or to show multiple result columns at once; in this case both weight and height.

$ ./mlb-viewer --by position --result weight,height --mean

Catcher            204.329/72.7237
Designated_Hitter  220.889/74.2222
First_Baseman      213.109/74
Outfielder         199.113/73.0103
Relief_Pitcher     203.517/74.3746
Second_Baseman     184.345/71.3621
Shortstop          182.923/71.9038
Starting_Pitcher   204.361/74.7195
Third_Baseman      200.956/73.0444

If your system has gnuplot installed, then these results may be graphed.

./mlb-viewer --by position --result weight,height --mean --graph


If your system has R installed than statistical tests may be performed on the data. In the following example, we use a T-test to calculate the significance of the difference in weight distribution between every pair of positions.

$ ./mlb-viewer --by position --result weight --t-test

+                  Catcher             Designated_Hitter   First_Baseman       Outfielder        Relief_Pitcher    Second_Baseman     Shortstop          Starting_Pitcher   Third_Baseman
Catcher            0(1)                -3.0013(0.006741)   -2.7985(0.006133)   1.0983(0.274)     -0.6308(0.5295)   8.6385(1.698e-14)  7.9209(1.622e-12)  -0.4657(0.6421)    1.0374(0.3026)
Designated_Hitter  0.068(0.9464)       0(1)                1.0724(0.2894)      3.0351(0.005718)  -0.2695(0.7905)   3.3648(0.00137)    2.3718(0.02164)    -1.4411(0.1628)    0.6865(0.4975)
First_Baseman      2.0533(0.04211)     -1.3389(0.1923)     0(1)                1.8477(0.0677)    0.1388(0.89)      8.859(6.39e-14)    9.2609(3.951e-15)  -0.8585(0.3929)    3.2605(0.001541)
Outfielder         -2.3293(0.0211)     -4.0482(0.0006707)  -4.8479(5.578e-06)  0(1)              -2.3686(0.01834)  7.5338(3.46e-12)   6.7259(1.105e-09)  -2.0088(0.04535)   -0.6119(0.5427)
Relief_Pitcher     -0.3719(0.7105)     -3.2436(0.004291)   -3.3738(0.001141)   2.4421(0.01498)   0(1)              10.1182(<2.2e-16)  8.748(8.565e-14)   -0.4046(0.686)     0.863(0.3914)
Second_Baseman     -5.2198(7.418e-07)  -6.7544(1.561e-06)  -9.7673(1.419e-15)  -0.9538(0.3425)   -1.2284(0.2228)   0(1)               0.5741(0.5672)     -3.126(0.002346)   -5.4171(8.471e-07)
Shortstop          -4.975(2.181e-06)   -6.7943(7.445e-07)  -8.4662(2.416e-13)  -1.0042(0.3181)   -1.5521(0.125)    -0.684(0.4955)     0(1)               -2.8295(0.005876)  -5.3515(7.436e-07)
Starting_Pitcher   0.0129(0.9897)      -3.0161(0.006639)   -2.8489(0.005271)   2.4469(0.01484)   -0.0967(0.923)    9.0082(<2.2e-16)   8.1678(2.15e-13)   0(1)               1.0684(0.2884)
Third_Baseman      -1.2098(0.2292)     -3.394(0.00217)     -2.5162(0.01357)    0.7264(0.4701)    -0.0625(0.9503)   4.8395(4.932e-06)  5.0668(2.017e-06)  -1.5405(0.1284)    0(1)

T tests like the one above should only be used on normal distributions. We can test for normality of the distributions by position with the following.

$ ./mlb-viewer --by position --result weight --normal

Catcher            0.9787(0.2318)
Designated_Hitter  0.9174(0.116)
First_Baseman      0.9662(0.1242)
Outfielder         0.9857(0.04729)
Relief_Pitcher     0.9882(0.01176)
Second_Baseman     0.9829(0.5847)
Shortstop          0.9799(0.5205)
Starting_Pitcher   0.9085(2.126e-10)
Third_Baseman      0.9806(0.6437)

Turns out most of these look pretty normal, aside from the pitchers and outfielders.